na zdjęciu rektor ze studentami i opiekunami grupy
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 18.12.2024
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Exhibition of geometric Christmas decorations

An unusual, unique exhibition of geometric Christmas tree decorations is presented in the hall of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. The work was done by students of the first year of Civil Engineering as part of the subject: Graphic geometry and technical drawing.

Some of these beautiful, unusual ornaments were presented to the authorities of the Silesian University of Technology, including the Rector Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.

- These ornaments were made by students who recently started studying at our University and you can already see how dynamically their talents are developing - said Prof. Marek Pawełczyk. - We want students to work in teams and to engage in other activities outside of the subjects they have in the study program - added the Rector.

Students had to make geometric Christmas decorations from recycled materials, their weight could not exceed 100 grams, the price of the material used should not exceed 10 zlotys.

- The task was to encourage first-year students to learn about principles of geometry slightly different from the engineering ones. It was also their first project in their engineering career - from the idea to the implementation and preparation of technical documentation - said Dr Eng. Krzysztof Tytkowski from the Department of Building Processes and Building Physics.

The works inspired by geometry were made of various materials: paper, cardboard, wood, polystyrene, and each of them bears the logo of the Silesian University of Technology. The students showed great creativity. The exhibition can be seen until the end of January, at the Christmas tree in the main hall of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

na zdjęciu geometryczne ozdoby choinkowe

Zdjęcie - Wydział Budownictwa oraz Jan Szady

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