seminarium POB6.1
Author: Anna Świderska     Published At: 06.02.2024
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Eminent scientists on climate change

Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, intensification of extreme weather phenomena - these are the effects of climate change affecting the lives of people around the world. It is also a space for engineering ingenuity in finding solutions to these problems. At the invitation of the Silesian University of Technology, two outstanding scientists, pioneers in their fields, gave inspiring lectures presenting the complexity of the processes behind climate change.

The invited scientists are Dr Anna Cazenave from the Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales in Toulouse, France, and Dr Thomas Stocker from the University of Bern in Switzerland. They are both winners of many scientific awards.

Dr Anna Cazenave is a space surveyor and one of the pioneers of satellite altimetry. As one of the principal investigators of the joint French-American satellite altimetry missions TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1 and the Ocean Surface Topography Mission, she contributed to a better understanding of sea level rise caused by global warming.

Dr Thomas F. Stocker is a Swiss climatologist, associated with, among others, University College London, McGill University in Montreal and Columbia University in New York. His research mainly focuses on climate change modelling, in particular through the analysis of ice cores from the polar regions. The scientist made a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of climate change.

The guests visited the Silesian University of Technology for three days, during which they became acquainted with the scientific activities related to the discipline of Earth and environmental sciences and activities within POB6, presented by dr hab. Eng. Natalia Piotrowska, prof. SUT

In turn,  dr hab. Eng. Anna Kaźmierczak-Bałata, prof. SUT, deputy director of the  Institute of Physics - Centre for Science and Education, presented the structure of the unit; dr hab. Eng. Piotr Moska, prof. SUT, head of the Division of Geochronology and Environmental Isotopes, talked about the activities of the Division, and dr hab. Eng. Danuta J. Michczyńska, prof. SUT, introduced the guests to the history of the 14 C and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory.

– I am impressed to see the brand new MICADAs radiocarbon facility, a 200-keV top-of-the-range accelerator mass spectrometer that will open many doors for many interesting research projects and ensure scientists are competitive in analysing a wide range of environmental samples. Modern buildings and infrastructure of the Silesian University of Technology provide excellent conditions for students and physics researchers - said prof. Stocker.

– Although I am not an experimental scientist, the visit to the laboratories and the advanced technologies implemented at the Institute interested me very much. I must admit that I have no experience in geochronology and isotope research, so it was an excellent opportunity for me to gain knowledge in this field. I am extremely impressed by the world-class research conducted at the Silesian University of Technology, added dr Anna Cazenave thanking prof. Natalia Piotrowska and prof. Denis-Didier Rousseau for the invitation.

fot. Maciej Mutwil (4)

Dr Anna Cazenave gave an hour-long lecture, open to the entire academic community, entitled: “Satellite observations of present-day climate change; focus on sea level rise and causes”, devoted to satellite observations in climate research, the latest achievements in this field and examples of applications.

Lecture by dr Thomas Stocker entitled “Sliding into the Anthropocene: Surprises Ahead?” was devoted to climate change resulting from human activity, primarily CO 2 emissions. He presented indicators, as well as climate change models and resulting forecasts.  Employees, PhD students and students of the Silesian University of Technology were present at the lectures and took an active part in the discussion.

Scientists also learned about the activities of the SAT and GOLF student groups related to satellite technology, met with employees, PhD students and students from the g-force scientific club, who presented their research topics and took advantage of the opportunity for individual conversations and exchange of experiences.

The scientific session with the participation of distinguished guests took place under sub-area POB6.1 "Climate and environmental change and reduction of air pollution".

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