Author: Anna Świderska     Published At: 28.03.2024
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Easter in the international group 

Easter customs, traditional dishes, competitions, quizzes, lots of kindness and good fun – the International Easter Meeting was held for the fourth time in the “Spirala” student club.  

More than a hundred people from all over the world met at a common Easter table. Students and PhD students got to know Polish Easter customs, and their Polish language teachers from the Foreign Languages Centre of the Silesian University of Technology took care to help them  memorize some useful phrases and words.

- We want as many foreign students as possible at the Silesian University of Technology, but we also want them to feel good and comfortable at our university - said Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology. – We want students from abroad to learn about our tradition and spend those joyful moments with us, because Easter is the most joyful holiday in our culture.

The vast majority of international students and doctoral students studying at the Silesian University of Technology spend their holidays in Poland.  

– I would like to thank the organizers of this undertaking, because we cannot forget about these people – emphasized prof Marek Pawełczyk Vice-Rector for Science and Development of the Silesian University of Technology. - They came to our country, they decided to spend part of their lives here, but they cannot, like us, return to their loved ones for Easter. That is why taking care of them, arranging such networking meetings, showing our culture and, above all, our hospitality, is very valuable.  

The meeting, the fourth in its turn, took place in a warm and joyful atmosphere. The guests competed in the competition for the most beautiful Easter eggs, there were quizzes about Polish customs, Marzanna was chased away, and the Easter bunny handed out a lot of gifts. There were also Easter dishes, and everyone could try traditional sour soup or cheesecake.

- Such a party simply gives us the opportunity to get to know each other, talk to each other, make new friends - said Mohan Zhang, a Chinese student.

- It’s really nice to see so many different people from different cultures here, it’s a great opportunity to get to know each other - added Cynthia Dimene, a student from Mozambique.

- Differences make the world richer, while studying here I get to know the Polish perspective and it broadens my horizons - added Hasan Celik, a student from Turkey.

Holiday meetings with students and PhD students from abroad, both Easter and Christmas, have become a permanent fixture in the calendar of events organized at the Silesian University of Technology. 

– I think that throwing a young person into such unknown regions of the world and so culturally different is a huge experience for them, in difficult terms of course – said dr Małgorzata Rachwalska-Mitas, director of the Foreign Languages Centre of the Silesian University of Technology, which is the initiator of Easter meetings. We try to brighten up the day a little and show them that we want to be with them more often. It may sound loud, but I hope it helps them survive.

The International Easter Meeting was organized by the Foreign Languages Centre, Studies Service Centre, and the International Relations Office - International Mobility Office  

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