na zdjęciu widzimy członków Rady
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 30.03.2023

Dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, prof. SUT, a member of the Science Dissemination Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, prof. SUT, was appointed a member of the Science Dissemination Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the years 2023 - 2026. This is her second term of office.

Science Dissemination Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences (RUN PAN) operates at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It brings together representatives of science and the media. The Council wants to be a platform of information and initiation of activities disseminating science.  

- We deal with broadly understood issues related to the dissemination of scientific research results and the popularization of knowledge. In particular, we want the dissemination of science in the socio-economic environment to become an important and appreciated element of a scientist's work. We also act as active promoters of science and support a number of popular science activities of a high substantive level, so as to set appropriate standards for the implementation of such activity - said Dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska,  prof. SUT;

Reliable and substantive dissemination of science in society in times of an educational crisis and a crisis of authorities cannot be overestimated - emphasizes the scientist. - I believe that properly targeted activities to disseminate knowledge in society and a modern approach to teaching at every stage of education are the key to ensuring that the society is able to think critically, and thus distinguish facts from untrue and often harmful content. Without good foundations and critical thinking there is no good education and its subsequent application in our everyday life - said dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, prof. SUT;

In the Council, Dr. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, prof. SUT is responsible for the implementation of the debate on the state and future of scientific communication and popularization of science in Poland, which took place on March 27th at CKS Mrowisko.  - I also have the pleasure of organizing a day of popular science lectures of the Council at the Silesian University of Technology – “Run for knowledge with RUN PAN”. These lectures are very popular among secondary school pupils. I hope that my further activities within RUN will focus on the issues I have been working on since the beginning of the existence of the Science Popularization Centre - emphasized the scientist.

Dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, prof. SUT, is the director of the Science Popularization Centre of the Silesian University of Technology, she also works in the Department of Environmental Biotechnology at the Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology.

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