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Dr Eng. Rafał Jędrysiak has passed away
It is with deep regret that we received the news of the tragic death of Dr Eng. Rafał Jędrysiak – a long-term academic and didactic employee of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology.
Rafał Jędrysiak received his PhD in chemistry in 2008 at the Silesian University of Technology under the direction of Prof. Jerzy Suwiński, based on the distinguished doctoral dissertation entitled “Synthesis of selected 1-substituted 4-nitroazoles in the transformation reactions of azoles”. He specialized in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and, after joining the NanoCarbon Group led by Prof. Sławomir Boncel, in modification of physicochemical carbon nanomaterials and their composites primarily for textonics, stealth and power engineering technologies. He became known as a consummate synthetic analyst and the originator of many original technical solutions, including co-authorship of the holter ECG CardioGuard T-shirt. Author of several dozen articles in the best specialist periodicals, 2 patents and commercialized know-how for Miranda sp. Z o.o., entrepreneur – owner and co-founder of spin-off of the Silesian University of Technology. He completed several scientific internships, among others in 2014 at the Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and in 2016 at the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute at the University of Wollongong in Australia.
He built the Dream Team in aircraft modelling with his son Franciszek – now a member of the national team – having become his coach beforehand. At the same time, he was the designer and builder of many models winning in the most important international competitions. An excellent mentor, a friendly colleague always ready to help others, the soul of the company, a lover of humour under the sign of Monty Python, cycling tourism and military techniques.
Last farewell to Dr Rafał Jędrysiak will take place on January 13, 2025, at 11:00 in the Chapel of the Central Cemetery in Gliwice, at 120, Kozielska Street.