Na zdjęciu widzimy delegacja chińska z władzami uczelni na terenie kampusu Politechniki Śląskiej
Author: Katarzyna Siwczyk     Published At: 31.07.2023     Updated At: 03.08.2023
Na zdjęciu widzimy delegację chińska z władzami uczelni na tle ceglanego budynku Wydziału Chemii

Delegation of Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology at the Silesian University of Technology

On July 27th, 2023, the Silesian University of Technology hosted a delegation of representatives of the Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology from the People's Republic of China. The guests met with the University authorities and visited the laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry.

The main purpose of the visit was to establish didactic cooperation between the Chinese university and the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology.

The Chinese delegation included: prof. Chen Zhiguo (Vice-Rector of the University), prof. Zou Kun (Dean of the Faculty of Education), prof. Tan Fengliang (Dean of the Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering), Liu Li (Director of the Alumni Office), prof. Huang Min (Director of the International Office). The guests met with representatives of the authorities of the Silesian University of Technology, including: prof. dr hab. Eng. Bogusław Łazarz, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, prof. dr hab. Eng. Beata Orlińska - representing the College of Studies, dr Eng. Grzegorz Kłapyta - head of the International Relations Office.

During the meeting, both parties presented the potential of their universities and discussed the assumptions of the joint didactic program being developed. Possibilities of developing cooperation in the future were also considered.

After visiting the Rectorate, the guests were invited to the Faculty of Chemistry, where they met with the Dean, prof. dr hab. Eng. Krzysztof Walczak. Then they visited laboratories where classes for students take place and scientific research is conducted. The delegation also visited the bioprocess engineering laboratory, where research is conducted by dr hab. Eng. Katarzyna Szymańska, prof.SUT, industrial catalysis laboratory of prof. dr hab. Eng. Beata Orlińska, and new didactic laboratories for students located in the Nowa Chemia building.

In addition, the guests had the opportunity to talk with a representative of the industry, Mr Wojciech Piotrowski - a representative of Losentech sp. z o. o., with which the Faculty of Chemistry has been cooperating for many years. He demonstrated his research installation on a semi-technical scale located in the technological hall of the Faculty.

The next meeting with representatives of the Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology will take place in China at the end of August this year.

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