Dąbrowiacy jubileusz
Author: Anna Świderska     Published At: 21.05.2024

“Dąbrowiacy” celebrated their 50th birthday

A variety of colours, elements, and an amazing atmosphere both on stage and in the audience – “Dąbrowiacy” celebrated their 50th anniversary with a great gala concert. The audience enthusiastically appreciated the performance of the most beautiful folk dances and songs from various regions of Poland.

The concert began with thanks for half a century of presenting national culture and tradition at a high artistic level. – It is really a great pleasure to be able to remember with you those 50 years that have passed, certainly for some as one day – said Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, Rector of the Silesian University of Technology congratulating “Dąbrowiacy” on their achievements. – You co-create the tradition and history of the Silesian University of Technology, you have become our symbol, it is difficult to imagine any celebration or event without “Dąbrowiacy”, you are simply the best ambassadors of our University – added the Rector, who in turn thanked the team for their support during the two terms.

– I am glad that I can take part in such an excellent ceremony and I assure you that in the coming years you will continue to be supported, you will be proud of the Silesian University of Technology, but we will also ask you for help, as it has been so far – added prof Marek Pawełczyk – Vice-Rector for Science and Development of the , Silesian University of Technology, Rector-Elect.

Dąbrowiacy jubileusz

The Academic Dance Ensemble of the Silesian University of Technology “Dąbrowiacy” debuted in 1974 during juvenalia, in the branch of the Silesian University of Technology in Dąbrowa Górnicza. After just a few months of rehearsals, the group of fifty people performed on stage, presenting songs and dances from the Zagłębie and Silesia region. The conditions were modest, costumes were borrowed from other bands or sewn by the artists’ mothers at night. The ensemble grew, thanks to the work and passion for folk art of choreographer Paweł Bartsch. Within a few years, it had already numbered over one hundred people, enriched itself with new costumes and presented its repertoire also from other regions of Poland. The gala concert of “Dąbrowiacy” began with a suite of Rzeszów dances, they also presented a lively repertoire of songs and dances from the vicinity of Lublin, and a group of oldboys gave a show of their skills and fitness by performing a Kujawska suite.


Slightly younger artists, in multi-coloured costumes made of densely woven wool, presented a fitness and vocally demanding choreographic arrangement composed of dances and songs of Opoczno. There was also a performance of the vocal group Zora, which grew out of the youth section created by the daughters of ensemble marriages. The artists were delighted with the performance of multi-vocal a-cappella songs. On the occasion of the celebration of the 50th birthday (it is defined in Silesia as Abraham) – a Silesian suite was performed jointly by a student group and oldboys.

The jubilee of “Dąbrowiacy” was also an opportunity to thank people who were especially meritorious for the team. Awards were received by: Rafał Dudek, instrumentalist, trumpeter, pedagogue; Andrzej Zaczkowski, for 40 years, the leader of a folk band playing the accordion, who also discovered his vocal talent during the concert, and Leszek Chołuj, the long-time leader of the band since 1980, who expressed pride that the band is in such excellent shape.

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