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Courses for students and PhD students under the LIFE-C Project
The consortium, implementing the LIFE-C project "Promoting life cycle thinking in higher education", invites students and PhD students of the Silesian University of Technology to participate in a new round of courses devoted to teaching life cycle assessment (LCA).
The courses, prepared by an international team of experts from the Silesian University of Technology, the University of Niccolò Cusano (Italy), the University of Lappeenranta LUT (Finland) and the National Technical University of Athens (Greece), are designed to provide cross-cutting teaching of one of the most sought-after skills in today’s job market.
On February 7th, 2025, a new course – Social life cycle assessment and life cycle costing – will be held, presenting knowledge on social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCC).
All courses implemented as part of the LIFE-C project are conducted in English, remotely on the Moodle e-learning platform. Courses are free for students, PhD students and employees of the Silesian University of Technology.
More information on the project website Recruitment lasts until January 31st , 2025 via form or directly with the coordinator
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