Competition "For the golden index of the Silesian University of Technology"
For the eighth time, the Silesian University of Technology will host the competition "For the golden index of the Silesian University of Technology". The winners of the competition may obtain the University's index or receive preferential points in the recruitment procedure.
The competition, which will start on November 17th, 2023, is addressed to secondary school pupils who will be taking the secondary school leaving examination. Its aim is to develop young people's interest in knowledge in selected areas and fields, to promote the attitude of independence and responsibility for their own development, as well as to promote particularly talented secondary school pupils.
The prize in the competition is places in selected full-time studies at the Silesian University of Technology or additional points in the recruitment procedure.
As part of the competition "For the golden index of the Silesian University of Technology”, "Golden Workshops" will be held. These are classes conducted by academic teachers of the Silesian University of Technology for pupils of secondary schools and technical schools, especially those who are interested in participating in the competition. The number of places for the workshops is limited - prior registration is required.
More information, regulations, competition and workshop schedule at:
Registration for the competition will last until January 9, 2024.