Na zdjęciu widzimy plakat za napisem - Konkurs na artykuł popularnonaukowy „O nauce po ludzku”
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 30.06.2022     Updated At: 16.11.2022

Competition for a popular science article "O nauce po ludzku” (transl. "About science in layman’s terms")

The Science Popularization Centre invites employees, doctoral students, undergraduate and graduate students of the Silesian University of Technology to participate in the Competition for a popular science article  “O nauce po ludzku” (transl. "About science in layman’s terms").

The competition is open to all members of the academic community of the Silesian University of Technology who want to share their scientific interests and write about difficult issues in a simple way - that is, in such a way that they are accessible and understandable to a wide audience. To participate in the competition, please complete the registration form: and then submit your article.

The registration deadline is November 30, 2022. The results will be announced in December 2022, and the awards will be presented in January 2023.

Articles awarded in the 2021 edition

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