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Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 06.12.2024     Updated At: 11.12.2024
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Certificate of the Academic Aviation Training Centre at the Silesian University of Technology

On November 25th, 2024, the Academic Aviation Training Centre of the Silesian University of Technology obtained a certificate with the number PL/ATCO-TO/AOSSRL/1The centre was created to educate students of the newly created specialty Air Traffic Management, implemented at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering. Students of this specialization will have the opportunity, as part of specialized courses, to apply for the license of the trainee air traffic controller S-ATCL.

The training process will take place on the advanced EDDA Air Traffic Simulator – eCoach System. Thanks to it, students will be able to practice in conditions that faithfully reproduce the realities of air traffic controllers’ work, which guarantees the highest quality of preparation for future professional challenges. The training will be conducted for the aerodrome control privileges (TWR) as well as the supervised approach control privileges (APS). Professionally active air traffic controllers will be the instructors during the course.

The Air Traffic Management specialization is another aviation education path offered by the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering. Previous specializations include Air Navigation and Mechanics and Aviation Operations. Thus, the Silesian University of Technology confirms its position as a leading educational centre in the field of broadly understood aviation engineering.

certyfikat 2 fot. Maciej Mutwil (28)

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