Na zdjęciu widzimy fragment laboratorium. Widzimy różne pompy, rurki i menzurki. Urządzenie te ktoś obsługuje, bo widzimy ręce w białym fartuchu.
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 04.11.2021

Call for proposals for the 8th edition of Individual Study Programmes (ISP)

Call for proposals for the additional 8th edition of the competition for the realisation of Individual Study Programmes (IPS) realised in the form of Project Based Learning (PBL) has begun. The competition is carried out under the "Silesian University of Technology as a Centre for Advanced Education based on Research and Innovation" project.

This edition is dedicated to students of the 1st and 2nd level of studies (students from the 4th semester in case of 1st level of studies and for all students of 2nd level studies). Students of previous editions carried out under this Project are not allowed to take part in the competition. Tutors in the projects can be scientific and didactic employees of the Silesian University of Technology.

The dates for the implementation of individual activities within the framework of the 8th edition of the competition are given in the schedule, which is published on the Distance Education Platform (DES) at and in the attachment. 

The first stage of the competition is the submission of project topics through DES by 10th of November 2021. The PBL (8th edition) project application form is available on the DES (

The next stage of the competition is a university-wide e-panel, scheduled for 17th of November 2021 at 2:00 PM. The panel will present the basic rules of the competition and the concepts of the submitted projects. 


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