Fot. Martin Huć (1)
Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 23.12.2024
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Art for all generations

On the penultimate day of the Materials Week, which takes place as part of the celebrations of the European City of Science Katowice 2024, the participants were moved to the world of sculpture, ceramics and stained glass.

New skills, relaxation, creativity – under these slogans , workshops began at the Katowice branch of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology on Saturday morning. The event was attended by dozens of people, which definitely delighted the organizers, who were available to help. Everyone said that it was a time well spent.

Fot. Martin Huć (7)

- “The participants created clay forms of birds, including spatial and bas-reliefs. After drying, clay forms will be burned out, and at a later time they will be exhibited at the Faculty” - explains the workshop leader Dr Eng. Krzysztof Groń from the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology. – “The most important and most beautiful in these workshops was that there were children, youth, adults, and pensioners. It was a great multi-generational collaboration. Everyone wanted to deal with ceramics, play with clay, show off their sculptural skills. Maybe it will inspire them to do something bigger, or maybe even create their own studio. This was often the case after other workshops I conducted, which I am very pleased with”.

Fot. Martin Huć (24)

The participants took part in three workshops “Pots are made not only by holy people”, “Ceramics” and “Colourful world of stained glass”.

- “Without any barriers we also talked about our work, studies, helped each other, talked about our dreams and plans. It was a wonderful Saturday morning and afternoon. The European City of Science is a great initiative that has created a space for establishing relationships” – concluded the lecturer.


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