na zdjęciu fragment chodnika kopalnianego
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 29.10.2024
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A summary of Industry 4.0. Week 

Lectures, demonstrations, conferences, workshops, and debates – Industry 4.0 Week took place at the Silesian University of Technology. The event was organized as part of the celebrations of European City of Science Katowice 2024.

Industry 4.0 Week was inaugurated by the lecture by Prof. Damian Grzechca, on artificial intelligence entitled "Artificial Intelligence in practice". The scientist introduced the listeners to issues related to neural networks. In the afternoon, another lecture given by Prof. Ilan Roth of Berkeley University was held. In his lecture entitled “Universality in Physical processes: from Aurora to Corona, from birth to death of stellar systems,” he explained various electromagnetic phenomena in space.

On the second day of the event in the branch of the Silesian University of Technology in Rybnik, the conference Industry 4.0 for ROW 2.0 took place. The participants of the meeting discussed the modern industry and solutions that can be implemented in Rybnik in this respect.

In addition to the debate, workshops were held with pupils of the local Complex of Technical Schools, who were introduced to what technologies currently have an impact on the development of industry in the region and beyond. Pupils also listened to presentations on smart solutions that can be applied in homes, modern applications, software that fits into the smart home trend. The workshop was conducted by APA Group representatives.

Uczestnicy spotkania w Rybniku

“We want to share knowledge in the field of automation and robotization, because it is impossible to escape from it, it is something that every engineer will meet in their work. Energy transformation, technological transformation already affects all branches of industry – said Dr Eng. Artur Pollak, President of APA Group, who also took part in a visit to the training shaft, which is located on the premises of the Complex of Technical Schools.

During the tour, the cooperation between industry and science was discussed, and specifically how the Silesian University of Technology and representatives of modern companies operating in the region can support students in education and preparation for entering the labour market.

- It is an ideal place to show how over the years the energy transformation from chisel and pickaxe to modern machines has taken place. Today in the mines we have applied modern automation solutions, processor chips to handle which a miner is needed, who should be today, first of all, a well-educated engineer – said Dr Hab Zygmunt Łukaszczyk, Prof. SUT– director of the Continuing Education Centre in Rybnik.

After classes in the Complex of Technical School, the participants of Industry 4.0 Week moved to the branch of the Silesian University of Technology in Rybnik, where debates under the slogan “Industry 4.0 for ROW 2.0” took place.

The discussion was dominated by topics related to the use of modern technological solutions in everyday life, in our homes, but the participants also discussed hydrogen technologies, which are strongly developed in Rybnik, and scientists of the Silesian University of Technology added their skills and knowledge to their development.

“In particular, we do a lot in this area as the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering. We are one of two units in Europe that tests hydrogen tanks, and issues permits to use them. We check whether they are resistant to fire, to inflammation, which is an important aspect of the safety of use - said Dr Eng. Adam Mańka. Such studies are conducted by scientists of the Silesian University of Technology in appropriate conditions, on the training ground.

The participants of Industry 4.0 Week could also see for themselves how the hydrogen-powered bus works and take part in the bus ride.

autobus na wodór

On the third day of the event, workshops for preschoolers were held and slightly older people could listen to a lecture on modern technologies in medicine and visit the European HealthTech Innovation Centre (EHTIC).

At the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering, and Industrial Automation, the youngest took part in the workshop “Small hands, great technologies - adventure with robots.” Children had the opportunity to see with their own eyes that modern technology can be fascinating.

“Thanks to such initiatives, children learn that technology is part of their daily lives and that they can understand and use it in the future. A visit to the Silesian University of Technology, one of the leading scientific centres, may inspire them to continue learning and develop their interests in the field of science and technology,” said Ewa Głuszek, the producer of the event.

Classes for preschoolers began with the presentation of an industrial robot, which with precision laid blocks and drew pictures for children, (such as, for example, pictures of teddy bears).

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“To teach robots to perform tasks, we need to know their precise and literal language of communication. Just like with children; to reach them, we need to speak simple and direct language. As part of our mission to make learning accessible to everyone, we taught robots to draw, build from blocks, play chess and instruments. All this to make robots closer to children and encourage them to interact” – said MSc Eng. Grzegorz Głuszek from the Department of Mining Mechanization and Robotization at the Silesian University of Technology.

The children also watched a robot play chess and a robot play bells. This extraordinary experience proved to the little ones that robots can be not only tools of work, but also partners in play and learning.

- “Children, despite their young age, are very interested in technological novelties, so we applied to participate in those workshops without thinking. As you can see, children are fascinated by robots” – said Katarzyna Szymczak, the educator of the kindergarten group from Kindergarten No. 1 in Pyskowice.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology held a lecture, after which the participants could visit the European HealthTech Innovation Centre (EHTIC).

The lecture entitled “Modern technologies supporting medicine” was delivered by M.D. Ph. D Marcin Świerad from the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases.

na zdjęciu zwiedzanie laboratorium

“Both medicine and technology are close to each other and both of these fields have been developing very dynamically for many, many years After all, we remember the first heart transplants in Poland, carried out in the eighties in the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases. They would not be possible without proper technology,” said Dr Marcin Świerad.

“Today, these technologies are extremely advanced and new possibilities are constantly emerging that we have not even dreamed of,” the doctor added.

After the lecture, the participants they visited the modern laboratories of the European HealthTech Innovation Centre.

- “We want to present places where solutions used in clinical practice are created and thanks to which patients can be helped” - said Dr Hab Eng. Marcin Kaczmarek, Prof. of Silesian University of Technology

“Today, the work of a doctor would not be possible without technical support. Just look at the diagnostic methods. Using new technologies, new devices, it is possible to better examine the patient, see more details and thus propose better diagnostics and treatment”.

The next Industry Week event took place on Thursday. At the Centre for New Technologies, the Conference “Industry 4.0” entitled: “A Meeting of Science and Industry” took place.

Representatives of the Silesian University of Technology had no doubts that innovations created within the walls of the University can serve the development of business, and entrepreneurs want to know how to use these opportunities. That is why there are many initiatives that are supposed to connect the world of science with business.

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- “In such a region as Silesia, proper cooperation of the University with industry is a guarantee of good functioning. We are in a region where many industries are growing. Thanks to this, we acquire topics for scientific and didactic work” – emphasized the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.

The scientific aspect is implemented through research and development of joint projects with the participation of researchers. In the next stage, the effects of such achievements serve as innovations that can be implemented in enterprises in the future. On the other hand, it is business representatives who report the needs of the market, and it is to these needs that the program of educating students – future engineers are adapted. What is more, Silesian University of Technology implements many internship programs and dual studies, which allow young people to gain not only theoretical but also practical knowledge at the stage of studies.

The conference served to exchange experiences and indicated the possibilities of cooperation between both areas.

- “The idea was that scientists should indicate to entrepreneurs, who gathered at the conference many, what modern technologies can be used in companies and thus how to improve the operation of the company” - said MSc Eng. Anna Kiljan, curator of Industry 4.0 Week.

The lectures and presentations were listened to by both small entrepreneurs and presidents of large companies operating in the Silesian Voivodeship.

na zdjęciu degustacja posiłków

The next event, which took place as part of Industry 4.0 Week, took numerous participants into the fascinating world of space discoveries and... tasting. On Friday, the Silesian University of Technology Student Creativity Centre hosted all those who were interested in the event “Space Discoveries: Missions, Technologies and Tastes.”

This activity was chosen by both children, adolescents and adults. During the lecture prepared by Dr Hab. Eng. Arch. Klaudiusz Fross, Prof. SUT, information, and numerous photos about missions in space habitats were presented. The participants learned, among others, what technologies are used to ensure the safety and comfort of mission participants, as well as met people from our University who took part in them.

“-For two weeks I was locked in a space habitat, and it was a great experience” - says Natalia Ściora, a student of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, who took part in the analogue space mission Pegasus. “There were six people from all over the world in my team during the mission. We met only after we arrived at the place. Among other things, I conducted research on the movement of people around the habitat.”

“In such habitats, it is possible to study the conditions that can occur in space, such as the behaviour of people in isolation, personnel management, and how the habitat, i.e. the building, supports or hinders the people living there,” says Professor Klaudiusz Fross, professor of the Silesian University of Technology.

The participants of the event, which was implemented in cooperation with the APA Group, also saw a video about the project APA Mission Mars, which aims to build habitats simulating space conditions. The youngest participants, however, waited the most for the last point, i.e. preparing cosmic freeze-dried food, which accompanies astronauts on their travels. The role of the chef was played by Prof. Klaudiusz Fross, and the gathered participants could taste bigos, tikka masala dishes or desserts.

lazik na tle budynku chorzowskiego planetarium

On Saturday, the European City of Science Katowice 2024 visited the Silesian Planetarium in Chorzów. The theme of the event was “Space Innovation: Exploration of the Moon and Mars.”

Saturday’s attractions were devoted to the latest innovations in space exploration, with a particular focus on research on the Moon and Mars. The program included lectures and presentations that brought the participants closer to the latest achievements and technologies used in space research.

"The lecture was about Mars, which was presented in various aspects – from antiquity, through my fascination with this planet, related, among other things, to changes in its brightness", says Stefan Janta, who gave the lecture "Mars".

For a few hours, all visitors to the Silesian Planetarium had the opportunity to take a closer look at the Phoenix III Mars rover, which was presented by members of the Silesian University of Technology student research club. Both children and adults had a lot of questions to the representatives of our University and watched with interest as the rover moved around.

“We are pleased that our platform has aroused great interest. Its futuristic look attracts the eye. The rover is quite unusual because we are dealing with a construction based on composite materials. It is extremely light, which is an important aspect in the context of the space industry” - explains Andrzej Jałowiecki from SKN Silesian Phoenix.

sla na ktorej odbywały się warsztaty z druku 3D

Industry 4.0 Week ended with workshops on 3D printing, which took place at the Gliwice Science and Technology Centre.

- “The aim of these interactive workshops was to introduce the youngest into the world of modern technologies. Children learned the basics of 3D design, prepared their own models, and then printed on 3D printers in FDM technology. I also presented them with other printing technologies and different ways of creating a prototype” - said Łukasz Grabowski from Dream Solution.

During the workshops, children could see that 3D printing is becoming more and more widely used.  

In fact, there is no longer a field in which it is not used. 3D printing is used in various areas, such as medicine, architecture, engineering, automotive, aviation and even confectionery industries – adds Lukasz Grabowski.

The classes emphasized the development of creativity, logical thinking, and technical skills, and at the same time introduced children to the fascinating world of technology of the future.

- “Such workshops are a good opportunity to instil in the youngest ones the bug of technical sciences, so that in the future they choose a profession that will provide them with a good and interesting job” - emphasized Lukasz Grabowski from Dream Solution.

During the workshops, children could create their own designs – from simple shapes to more complex models – and see the printing process live.

przedmoty wydrukowane na drukarce 3D

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