Fot. Martin Huć (20)
Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 19.12.2024
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A day of charity work

Three days of great and varied activities of the Materials Week, which is held as part of the celebrations of the European City of Science Katowice 2024, are behind us.

- On the third day we had a lot of different events – from excellent lectures conducted by scientists of the Warsaw University of Technology, in which both elementary and popular science appeared, to sports games or testing one’s strength on simulators. We try to present the strength of materials from every possible angle – explains Dr Eng. Tomasz Pawlik, curator of the Week of Materials.

However, the opportunity to support the Cordis Hospice in Katowice provided everyone with a lot of positive impressions. The event was held under the slogan “Sport and heart – we work together for Hospice Cordis!”

Fot. Martin Huć (3)

The hospice collection was carried out throughout the day. At the Faculty of Materials Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, a fair was held, the culmination of which was a large auction. The eager participants fought for, among others, a sabre, but above all for coffee and a cake with the Dean’s Council, which was particularly popular among students.

- It is very important for us that we can support a noble goal and I am glad that so many people have willingly joined this initiative - summed up the event Dr Eng. Sandra Grabowska, Vice-Dean for Infrastructure and Organization of the Faculty of Materials Engineering.

A real treat were sports events, and above all volleyball matches, to which students, sports sections and employees, and even deans of the faculty applied. There were some exciting meetings.

- We organized the Endurance League, which was additionally combined with personal training led by Karol Ślepaczuk from Therefore, everyone could come and take classes under the supervision of a professional – explains Vice-Dean Sandra Grabowska.

Fot. Martin Huć (11)

Participants of the third day of the Materials Week could also visit the building of the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice, thanks to the activity “What’s squeaking in the material?”. There was an open lecture “The sound of matter” on sound and a workshop for children “BudoGranie” on the construction of simple musical instruments.

In the afternoon, however, there was also the opportunity to test one’s strength on drone simulators and locomotives, which were preceded by a lecture by Dr Hab. Eng. Janusz Cebulski "Materials drive the world" - says Dr Eng. Tomasz Pawlik.

Participants in different ages were also interested in the Material Escape Room – an escape laboratory, where the participants solved various tasks, but above all they had to find their way through the map in the building of the Faculty of Materials Engineering, which hides many secrets.

The Materials Week will last until December 22nd . The schedule of all activities can be found at:


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