The hospice collection was carried out throughout the day. At the Faculty of Materials Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, a fair was held, the culmination of which was a large auction. The eager participants fought for, among others, a sabre, but above all for coffee and a cake with the Dean’s Council, which was particularly popular among students.
- It is very important for us that we can support a noble goal and I am glad that so many people have willingly joined this initiative - summed up the event Dr Eng. Sandra Grabowska, Vice-Dean for Infrastructure and Organization of the Faculty of Materials Engineering.
A real treat were sports events, and above all volleyball matches, to which students, sports sections and employees, and even deans of the faculty applied. There were some exciting meetings.
- We organized the Endurance League, which was additionally combined with personal training led by Karol Ślepaczuk from Therefore, everyone could come and take classes under the supervision of a professional – explains Vice-Dean Sandra Grabowska.