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8th edition of the "Spread your wings" mentoring program
Developing the intellectual potential of the best secondary school pupils who have studied at the Silesian University of Technology and supporting their personal development - these are the main goals of the mentoring program "Spread your wings” (Rozwiń Skrzydła) , which was inaugurated at the Silesian University of Technology for the eighth time.
The program “Spread your wings,” implemented at the University since 2017, is addressed to the best graduates of secondary schools, undertaking studies at the Silesian University of Technology.
- The program is attended by students who entered our University with the best results in the recruitment process. They have many talents, passions, ideas, so it is important to support their development – said the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.
This year, 10 students have benefited from the program. Each of them has a designated mentor – an employee of the University who acts as a guide and advisor.
- A scientist dealing with a subject that interests the student becomes a mentor who introduces students to the world of scientific research, his own contacts, shows what the work of a scientist in a laboratory or an academic teacher looks like – adds the Rector.

One of the mentors was Dr Eng. Piotr Pikiewicz from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.
- The program involves young people who want to learn, have their opinion, know what they want. One only has to polish their talent a little, show that science can be beautiful, and that what is difficult is usually interesting.
The "Spread your wings" program, in addition to mentoring, provides an individual study program for each participant, taking into account his or her interests and special talents. Students can also count on additional language classes, training in the field of soft skills development and personal development, individual professional counselling, participation in nationwide and international expert lectures, conferences, scientific research or paid research and development internships.
- Participation in the program is a unique distinction for me, which I hope will give me a chance to change the world in the future and realize my dreams - emphasized Anna Piotrowska from the Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering. The student, with her mentor, Dr Eng. Arkadiusz Ryfa intends to develop her knowledge in the field of renewable energy sources.
- I would like to develop my skills in the field of automation, because I believe that this is a field that will develop in the future, for example due to the progressive automation of production. Therefore, I believe that participation in the project will allow me to gain additional valuable knowledge in this field - adds Mateusz Paszek from the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science.
Students taking part in the “Spread your wings” project also receive a mentoring scholarship.

In the academic year 2024/25, 10 students were beneficiaries of the 8th edition of the program:
- Bartosz Bieniek - Computer Science (practical profile) Winner of the "For the Golden Index" competition
- Lukasz Jędrychowski – Biomedical Engineering/ Technical Physics
- Paweł Noszczyk - Computer Science (practical profile)
- Mateusz Paszek – Automation and Robotics
- Anna Piotrowska - Power Engineering
- Dawid Piotrowski - Computer Science (practical profile) Winner of the "For the Golden Index" competition
- Oskar Płaziński - Computer Science (practical profile) Winner of the competition “For the Golden Index”
- Wiktoria Stolarczyk - Architecture
- Stanisław Szady – Computer Science (practical profile) Winner of the competition “For the Golden Index”
- Franciszek Trzeciak - Automation and Robotics Winner of the “For the Golden Index” competition
So far, 92 academic teachers have been the scientific guardians acting as a mentor for students as well as for pupils of Academic Secondary Comprehensive School the Silesian University of Technology.