Author: Magdalena Kudewicz-Kiełtyka     Published At: 17.03.2021

5th PBL financing competition

The 5th competition for the implementation of project-oriented education in the form of the PBL under the programme "Excellence Initiative - Research University" was announced. Applications for PBL funding should be submitted by March 26, 2021.

The competition is organized as part of the task "Including students in the research through scientific student associations and project-oriented education" in connection with the participation of the Silesian University of Technology in the "Excellence Initiative - Research University" programme.

Applications for Project-Based Learning funding should be sent by March 26 via e-mail to the address of the Studies Service Centre The further procedure for handling applications will be carried out via the Distance Education Platform.

Projects implemented under Project Based Learning are interdisciplinary. The group should include students representing at least two fields of study, diploma paths or specializations. The projects may also be attended by students of the Secondary Academic Secondary Schools of the Silesian University of Technology.

Announcement of the 5th PBL competition

Principles of project implementation

Ordinance No. 55/2020 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology of March 13, 2020 on the Regulations for financing project-oriented education - PBL under the "Excellence Initiative - Research University" programme

Joint student project agreement

© Silesian University of Technology

General information clause on the processing of personal data by the Silesian University of Technology

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Data availability statement

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