Author: Jadwiga Witek     Published At: 19.04.2021

5th Dual Education Conference "EDUAL" 2021

The Dual Education Conference "EDUAL" - "Smart Cities and Mobility of the Future" will raise the most important issues related to the education of engineering personnel in contemporary transport challenges in cities and metropolises. This year's dual education event will be held online from 21 to 22 April.

For the fifth time the Silesian University of Technology will host an event presenting issues, activities and experiences related to dual studies. The Silesian University of Technology runs 5 faculties in this field - railway transport, mechanics and machine construction, material engineering, mechatronics and logistics - where education is realized in cooperation with enterprises and business. Dual degree courses enable the acquisition of practical skills and the implementation of solutions in a working environment.


The opening ceremony of the Dual Education Conference "EDUAL" and the speeches delivered by His Magnificence Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Professor Arkadiusz Mężyk PhD, DSc and invited guests will take place on 21 April at 11:00 a.m. This year's event will be devoted to the engineering staff education in terms of smart cities, future mobility and modern transport. This is related to the implementation of research under Priority Research Area 4: Smart cities and mobility of the future, and in cooperation with the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin.

The debate on dual studies and education of future engineers in the context of challenges of modern transport in cities and metropolises is of great importance for the Silesian University of Technology. As a university located in the first metropolis in Poland and in the vicinity of one of the most dynamically developing special economic zones, we are aware that the appropriate student training is one of the main tasks of our University. Our graduates need to fully respond to the needs of the contemporary labour market. Therefore, development of the dual studies offer at the Silesian University of Technology is currently one of our priority educational goals.

Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Professor Akadiusz Mężyk PhD, DSc

Dual studies at the Silesian University of Technology attract students who are interested in combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills, which are acquired during classes at a selected entrepreneur. Thus, the employer can influence the development of the future employee and shape the competences indispensable in responding to the challenges of modern industry or innovative enterprise and business.

In 2018, we received the largest grant among public universities in Poland as part of the National Centre for Research and Development's "Dual Studies" project. It enabled us to implement as many as five dual studies projects at the Silesian University of Technology, and thus tailor even better the educational offer of future engineering personnel to the needs of employers. During the conference, experience gained during the implementation of dual study programmes at the Silesian University of Technology and other universities in Poland will be presented - explains Professor Arkadiusz Mężyk PhD, DSc. - Dual studies are still a developing form of education in Poland, therefore there are still many doubts and questions. We will look for answers to these issues during this year's conference. The event will be attended by both representatives of companies closely cooperating with the Silesian University of Technology in the field of dual education and representatives of other Polish universities, which provide dual education to their students.

Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Professor Akadiusz Mężyk PhD, DSc

The Dual Education Conference "EDUAL" - "Intelligent cities and mobility of the future" will be held online from 21 to 22 April.


The organisers of the event are the Silesian University of Technology and the Katowice Special Economic Zone S.A. The partners are the City of Katowice and the Polish Chamber of Railway Equipment Producers and Railway Service Providers. The conference was held under the honorary patronage of: Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, Ministry of Family and Social Policy and National Centre for Research and Development.

The Conference programme is available at:


We are pleased to invite you!

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