siec 5G1
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 07.09.2023

5G network at the Silesian University of Technology

The Silesian University of Technology is the first university in Poland where the internal 5G campus network has been launched. It will be tested when creating and testing state-of-the-art solutions for industry 4.0.

The ultra-fast 5G network was launched at the Industry 4.0 Technology Testing Centre at the Silesian University of Technology. The network was commissioned thanks to the cooperation of SUT, Orange Polska and APA Group, which resulted in the creation of a unique technology showroom. There, innovations at the intersection of science and industry 4.0 can be tested in practice.

The initiative offers extended development opportunities for both the university community and Polish enterprises that strive to accelerate digital transformation, automation and robotization.

– We are finalizing the Letter of Intent signed in February this year regarding the creation of an industrial 5G network at the Silesian University of Technology. This allows us to move to the next, higher level when it comes to the development of manufacturing technology. We have already got used to robots, to conveyors carrying various elements on the technological line, but the most interesting thing is what is not visible - what is happening in the network, i.e., sending information, ensuring high throughput and stability of connections. Thanks to the 5G network, we will be able to develop the Internet of Things technology and move to the next levels also with the use of artificial intelligence - said the rector of the Silesian University of Technology, prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk.

Students, lecturers and representatives of the industry can now conduct projects using 5G technology based on the latest 3.6 GHz band made available for testing by the regulator - the Office of Electronic Communications.

- The launch of the campus 5G network at the Silesian University of Technology is a breakthrough and important event - emphasized Małgorzata Ciechomska, director of Smart City Orange Polska solutions. It is the fourth campus network implemented in Poland, including the first one at the university. It is a test network, specially separated by the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), which operates on the highest and best parameters. It is very important, because everything created here, all projects can be implemented in business and industry - emphasizes Małgorzata Ciechomska.

The 5G network aims to provide fast and reliable connectivity without miles of cables for many IoT (Internet of Things) devices, such as sensors and sensors. Also, the extension of the station and the addition of more devices is associated with low cost and ease of integration. These devices monitor every stage of production. This allows for the analysis and optimization of production processes. Thanks to the capabilities of 5G, solutions can be tested almost in real time.

- The launch of the 5G network in the enterprise is not just a step forward, it is a technological leap that opens the door to unlimited possibilities in the field of communication, data processing and analysis. In the context of smart factories, this technology enables almost instantaneous communication between machines, which significantly increases the level of efficiency and safety - said dr Eng. Artur Pollak, President of the Management Board of APA Group. - One cannot forget about the impact of technology on the quality of life in cities. Thanks to the use of 5G in urban infrastructure, we can count on more effective traffic management, which translates into smaller traffic jams and better air quality. I see the incredible potential of the 5G network for Polish enterprises and society as a whole, he added.

5G technology significantly speeds up data transmission, reduces transmission delays to almost zero and at the same time dramatically increases the number of devices that can be connected to the network.

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