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Author: Agnieszka Kliks-Pudlik     Published At: 17.05.2022

15th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG®2022 has begun

The representatives of the Silesian University of Technology attend the 15th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG®2022. This year's edition will continue for two days and is held in the Katowice Spodek.

The programme of the event includes competitions with prizes and medals, networking meetings, discussion panels concerning the synergy of science and industry, knowledge and technology transfer, and also models for financing research and implementation in industry.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice Rector for Science and Development, Professor Marek Pawełczyk, and the Director of the Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer, Magdalena Letuń-Łątka, PhD.

We can distinguish the following panellists from the university who will participate in various expert discussions during these two days: Director of the Project Management Centre - Marcin Górski PhD; Director of the Civil Aviation Personnel Education Centre for Central and Eastern Europe – Prof. Jarosław Kozuba; CITT Patent Attorney Magdalena Filipek-Marzec; and Rafał Setlak PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

In this year's competition, the Silesian University of Technology exhibits six inventions. They are:

  1. Plastic extrusion tools with innovative coatings with improved durability and production efficiency
  2. A wireless system to support dynamic signalling of human evacuation directions and environmental monitoring in mines and buildings
  3. Unmanned aerial vehicle for vaccine distribution in the process of oral vaccination of foxes
  4. Integrated technology for decontamination of polyolefin waste materials
  5. Research simulator of a boom-type road header
  6. Method of analysing and adjusting the economic and performance parameters of an electric vehicle for use in urban driving conditions

Furthermore, the last year’s awarded inventions will also be available. These are:

  1. Unmanned flying platform with a docking module for the diagnostics of building structures (Grand Prix 2021 and Platinum Award)
  2. A new method for obtaining carboxylic acids (Gold Medal 2021)
  3. An algorithm for controlling the movement of the shearer's cutting heads of a road header (Gold Medal 2021)

For more information on inventions you can go to: Exhibitors list XV MIĘDZYNARODOWE TARGI WYNALAZKÓW I INNOWACJI INTARG® 2022, 11-12 maja 2022r (

The final of the event and the announcement of the results will take place on Thursday afternoon. A year ago, the scientists of the Silesian University of Technology received many awards, including the Grand Prix. Award.

The INTARG® fair is a valued international event presenting and promoting inventions and innovations. Its main aim is to present the potential and achievements of technological thought and science - inventions, technologies and services directed to industry.

The Silesian University of Technology is a Content Partner of the fair. The participation in the event is coordinated by the Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer of the Silesian University of Technology.

For more information go to the website:  

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