Author: Anna Świderska     Published At: 06.12.2023

14th edition of the National Student-Inventor Competition

We cordially invite you to take part in the "Student-Inventor" competition organized by the Kielce University of Technology. The call for applications has just started.

The competition is addressed to students, doctoral students and graduates who, during their studies, became the creators or co-creators of an invention or utility/industrial design protected by an exclusive right or submitted for protection at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland or the relevant industrial property office abroad.

The five main prize winners will take part in the Geneva Inventions 2024 International Exhibition of Inventions. The organizer will finance the costs of the exhibition stand and the winners' travel and stay in Geneva. Moreover, the winners of the Competition will present their solutions during the International Warsaw Invention Exhibition IWIS 2024.

The call for applications for the Competition lasts until January 25th, 2024.

Detailed information is available here.

Please send your applications to the following e-mail address: ksw@tu.kielce.pl

Documents to download

Formularz zgłoszeniowy Download
Oświadczenie Download
Broszura Download

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