
Author: Wojciech Pawłowski Published at: 12.03.2021 Last update: 28.03.2021

Upcoming calls - competitions under the IDUB programme

We kindly inform you that the deadlines for application submission to the following pro-quality programmes announced under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme are coming to an end soon:

1. Grants for the start of scientific activity in a new research topic - applications should be submitted to the Office of Scientific Research by 31 March.

The competition is addressed to young scientists within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science, including PhD students of the Silesian University of Technology. Grants are intended for persons starting their scientific activity in new research topics, not related to the subject of their Master's thesis and doctoral dissertation, and not financed from external sources.

The submitted research activity should fall within the priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology, as defined in Order No. 66/2019 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology of 24 June 2019 on establishing priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology.

Grants are awarded in the amount of up to PLN 12,000 gross for a period of 18 months.

The grant can be used to finance, among other things, publication in a scientific journal included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, participation in an international or national conference (after acceptance of the peer-reviewed, full text of the paper), costs associated with an internship in a foreign scientific centre, publication of a scientific monograph and the purchase of scientific apparatus or materials necessary to conduct research.

Zarządzenie nr 33/2020 Rektora Politechniki Śląskiej z dnia 4 marca 2020 roku w sprawie konkursu projakościowego na wsparcie w celu rozpoczęcia działalności naukowej w nowej tematyce badawczej, w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza.

2. Breakthrough research grants - applications should be submitted to the Office of Scientific Research by 15 April.

The competition is addressed to employees and doctoral students of the Silesian University of Technology who may take

participate in it individually or together with a team consisting of employees, doctoral
and students of the Silesian University of Technology. Grants are intended for funding of breakthrough research not financed from external sources.

The submitted research activity should fall within the priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology, as defined in the Order No. 66/2019 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology of 24 June 2019 on establishing priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology.

Grants are awarded in the amount of up to PLN 35,000 gross for a period of 24 months.

The grant can be used to finance, among other things, publication in a scientific journal awarded at least 100 points in the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, participation in an international or national conference (after acceptance of the peer-reviewed, full text of the paper), costs related to an internship in a foreign scientific centre, costs related to trips to meetings related to
preparation of applications for international projects, publication of monographs and purchase of scientific apparatus or materials necessary for conducting research.

The competition is addressed to young scientists within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science, including PhD students of the Silesian University of Technology. Grants are intended for persons starting their scientific activity in new research topics, not related to the subject of their Master's thesis and doctoral dissertation, and not financed from external sources.

The submitted research activity should fall within the priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology, as defined in Order No. 66/2019 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology of 24 June 2019 on establishing priority research areas of the Silesian University of Technology.

Grants are awarded in the amount of up to PLN 12,000 gross for a period of 18 months.

The grant can be used to finance, among other things, publication in a scientific journal included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, participation in an international or national conference (after acceptance of the peer-reviewed, full text of the paper), costs associated with an internship in a foreign scientific centre, publication of a scientific monograph and the purchase of scientific apparatus or materials necessary to conduct research.

Zarządzenie nr 32/2020 Rektora Politechniki Śląskiej z dnia 4 marca 2020 roku w sprawie konkursu projakościowego na dofinansowanie badań o charakterze przełomowym, w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza.

3. Granty w celu odbycia co najmniej 3-miesięcznych staży naukowych w wiodących zagranicznych ośrodkach naukowych– wnioski należy składać w Biurze Badań Naukowych do dnia 31 marca.

Konkurs adresowany jest do pracowników i doktorantów Politechniki Śląskiej, którzy nie dysponują innymi środkami na sfinansowanie stażu.

Granty przyznawane są na okres 12 miesięcy w wysokości do 37.000 zł brutto w przypadku stażu w Europie oraz do 40.000 zł w przypadku stażu poza Europą.

Przyznane środki mogą być wykorzystane na pokrycie kosztów podróży (na podstawie faktury), zakwaterowania (na podstawie faktury) oraz diet.

Zarządzenie nr 37/2020 Rektora Politechniki Śląskiej z dnia 4 marca 2020 roku w sprawie konkursu projakościowego na granty w celu odbycia co najmniej 3-miesięcznych staży w wiodących zagranicznych ośrodkach naukowych, w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza.

Przypominamy również o wielu innych programach projakościowych, do których wnioski przyjmowane są w trybie ciągłym.


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