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photo Digital accessibility: an advertising banner of the event, showing four hexagons overlapping each other - on three of them a symbol of gears is visible, and on the fourth one - "CaseWeek powered by IAESTE, 14th EDITION May 8-19, WORK FOR YOUR SUCCESS!"
Author: Mateusz Naramski Published at: 25.04.2023 Last update: 25.04.2023

IAESTE CaseWeek 2023

Dear Students!

IAESTE Gliwice, a global organisation that operates at Silesian University of Technology is once again running case study workshops IAESTE Case Week 2023 for our students. The event will be held on 8-9 May 2023, at Student Cultural Centre MROWISKO in Gliwice and online.

IAESTE Case Week is the largest case study project in Poland, during which students can face practical problems encountered on a daily basis in industry and work.

It’s worth to participate if you want to:
☑️ take part in case study workshops
☑️ enhance your CV
☑️ meet leading companies
☑️ get an internship or a job opportunity
☑️ improve your hard and soft skills

You can register at  https://caseweek.iaeste.pl/ (Select: Silesian University of Technology)

Meeting potential employers is the best way to a successful career!
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2025338308060036/.


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