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General Engineering

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The programme of study is carried out by four faculties:

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

BSc Studies

BSc Studies​

General aspects

The programme General Engineering is the only one carried out in Poland that includes an interdisciplinary aspects related to the various engineering disciplines. This new study is a response to the demand of the modern industry for graduates with general engineering knowledge in the various disciplines. Broad engineering competences acquired during the studies will allow the graduate to work in an interdisciplinary teams, as well as to quickly adapt to the new specialist knowledge used in the specific branches of the industry.


Why is it worth to choose this studies?

  • Teaching based on group projects.
  • A large number and variety of optional modules in blocks.
  • Moduls carried out by specialists from industry.
  • Internships and projects aimed at developing the competences expected in the
  • industry.
  • Cooperation with leading domestic and international companies in the field of advanced technologies.
  • Specialized knowledge in the field of general engineering as well as mechanical, electrical, environmental and transport engineering.
  • Hybrid education with elements of distance and contact learning.
  • Possibility of finding a job in many engineering and designing companies, e.g. in the companies dealing with the production planning and process automation, electrical machinery control, environmental protection, in power plants, heating plants, transport and shipping companies and logistics centers.

Programme and forms of learning

The first two years of studies include learning of standard subjects in general, basic and major engineering in all engineering disciplines. Introducing students to the topic of a wide range of engineering subject will enable them to make decisions about their educational paths by choosing a specific diploma path at the end of the second year of studies in mechanical, electrical, environmental and transport engineering. Knowledge and skills acquired during the studies in various areas of engineering, supported by the modern forms of project-oriented and problem-oriented learning, critical thinking, creativity and communication skills will allow future graduates to find the best solutions to complex, interdisciplinary engineering problems.

Programme outcomes for students

  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems using the principles of engineering, science and mathematics.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with various audiences.
  • An ability to function effectively in a team whose members jointly provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, set goals, plan tasks and achieve goals.
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experiments, analyse and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • An ability to apply an engineering design to manufacturing solutions that meet specific needs.

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