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Institute Director

Grzegorz Adamiec, PhD hab. Eng.

email: Grzegorz.Adamiec@polsl.pl
tel. +48 32 237 22 16
44-100 Gliwice, Konarskiego 22B/9


Deputy Director for Science and Cooperation

Anna Kaźmierczak-BałataPhD Eng.

email: Anna.Kazmierczak-Balata@polsl.pl
tel. +48 32 237 10 06
44-100 Gliwice, Konarskiego 22B/106


Deputy Director for Students and Education

Sławomira Pawełczyk, PhD hab. Eng.

email: Slawomira.Pawelczyk@polsl.pl
tel. +48 32 400 30 22
44-100 Gliwice, Konarskiego 22B/207

Managers of internal units

Head of Division of Solid State Physics

Anna Starczewska, PhD hab.

email: Anna.Starczewska@polsl.pl
tel. +48 32 603 4188
40-019 Katowice, Krasińskiego 8/162


Head of Division of Applied Physics

Jerzy Bodzenta, Prof. PhD hab.

email: Jerzy.Bodzenta@polsl.pl
tel. +48 32 237 29 32
44-100 Gliwice, Konarskiego 22B/111


Head Division of Geochronology and Environmental Isotopes

Piotr Moska, PhD hab. Eng.

email: Piotr.Moska@polsl.pl
tel. +48 32 400 26 62
44-100 Gliwice, Konarskiego 22B/205

Directors Council

  1. Grzegorz Adamiec, PhD hab. Eng. - Institute Director
  2. Anna Kaźmierczak-Bałata, PhD hab. Eng. - Deputy Director for Science and Cooperation 
  3. Sławomira Pawełczyk, PhD hab. Eng. - Deputy Director for Students and Education
  4. Jerzy Bodzenta, Prof. PhD hab. Eng. - Head of Division of Applied Physics
  5. Piotr Moska, PhD hab. Eng. - Head Division of Geochronology and Environmental Isotopes and Head of Luminescence Dating Laboratory
  6. Anna Starczewska, PhD hab. - Head of Division of Solid State Physics
  7. Natalia Piotrowska, PhD hab. Eng. - 14C and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
  8. Maciej Krzywiecki, PhD hab. Eng. - Head of Electron Spectroscopy for Functional Materetials Laboratory
  9. Aleksandra Tomala - Student Council representative
  10. Maksymilian Jędrzejowski. MSc Eng. - PhD Students representative
  11. Andreas Glenz, PhD Eng. - Chairman of the Board - PREVAC sp. z o.o. - representative of the socio-economic environment
  12. Aleksandra Poradzisz, PhD - D2S sp. z o.o., Grupa Kapitałowa WASKO - representative of the socio-economic environment

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