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Author: Wiesław Merten Published at: 29.04.2021 Last update: 29.04.2021

Students of the Silesian University of Technology win the TAURON "Innovation Marathon – the Innovation Distribution"

Twelve student teams took part in the "Innovation Marathon – the Innovation Distribution" by TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. The main topic of the Marathon was: "Energy of the Future: Internet of Things," Big Data "and electromobility in intelligent energy networks. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the needs of TAURON Dystrybucja customers and the rules of working in the "service design thinking" formula, which is based on workshop work using creative techniques, and then compete in creating innovative solutions for the Marathon organizer.

The event was attended by female and male students from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and the University of Technology in Częstochowa, Silesia and Wrocław. The winner of the marathon was the "Elektron" team from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. The team presented to the jury the idea of ​​an algorithm for determining the optimal location of electric vehicle charging stations, taking into account the characteristics and loads of the existing power grid. The inter-faculty team consisted of the following students: Przemysław Kajda - team leader, Adam Cyl, Matheus Maselik and Andrzej Włochy (from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering) as well as Brajan Mika and Wojciech Dziurowicz (from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering)


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