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Development of high-performance catalytic-process systems for tandem / cascade reactions. Examples of applications in the dynamic kinetic separation of racemic mixtures

In 2017, a three-year project was launched as part of the OPUS competition entitled “Development of high-performance catalytic-process systems for tandem / cascade reactions. Examples of applications in the dynamic kinetic separation of racemic mixtures ” financed by the National Science Center (UMO-2016/23 / B / ST8 / 00627).

The aim of the project is to develop the process basis for the implementation of highly active and selective, heterogeneous cascade / tandem reactions in the new type of reactors: continuous monolithic and spinChem type rotary reactor with hierarchical packing, and simultaneous use of enzymes and metal complexes or nanoparticles as catalysts, and demonstration of the efficiency of such a solution in the process of dynamic kinetic separation (DKR) of racemic mixtures of selected compounds. The project proposes sequential immobilization or co-immobilization of the enzyme and the complex or metal nanoparticles inside a functionalized monolithic microreactor with a hierarchical pore structure, which should have a very beneficial effect on selectivity and kinetics (shortening the reaction time even by an order) and, consequently, the efficiency of the process. Research will focus on developing a methodology for matrix / support functionalization for the immobilization of lipases and ruthenium complexes or palladium nanoparticles. Functionalized carriers will be tested in the processes of dynamic kinetic separation of mixtures of secondary alcohol enantiomers and primary amines in the two mentioned types of reactors.

The results of the project implementation so far:

D. Strub, K. Szymańska, Z. Hrydziuszko, J. Bryjak, A. Jarzębski, Continuous flow kinetic resolution of a non-equimolar mixture of diastereoisomeric alcohol using a structured monolithic enzymatic microreactor, Reaction Chemistry Engineering

Kompleksy metali jako katalizatory racemizacji w dynamicznym rozdziale kinetycznym

Ligandy azotowo-tlenowe, ich synteza oraz szerokie zastosowanie

Właściwości i aktywność biologiczna bisfosfonianów

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie