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Research sub-areas of POB4

POB4.1 Spatial information systems in the cities of the future

Sub-area Coordinators:

DSc. PhD. Eng. Barbara Sensuła, prof. SUT
DSc. PhD. Małgorzata Dobrowolska, prof. SUT

POB4.2 Architecture and environmental engineering

Sub-area Coordinators:

Prof. DSc. PhD. Eng. Arch. Magdalena Żmudzińska-Nowak
DSc. PhD. Eng. Małgorzata Król, prof. SUT

POB4.3 Materials, structures and calculation methods

Sub-area Coordinators:

DSc. PhD. Eng. Tomasz Krykowski, prof. SUT
PhD. Eng. Bartosz Witala

POB4.4 Social dimension of a smart city

Sub-area Coordinators:

DSc. PhD. Izabela Jonek-Kowalska, prof. SUT
DSc. PhD. Przemysław Gębal, prof. SUT

POB4.5 Modern means and transport systems

Sub-area Coordinators:

DSc. PhD. Eng. Erwin Maciak, prof. SUT
DSc. PhD. Eng. Mirosław Szczepanik, prof. SUT

POB4.6 Modeling, control and automation of future mobility processes and systems

Sub-area Coordinators:

DSc. PhD. Eng. Marcin Staniek, prof. SUT
DSc. PhD. Eng. Piotr Krauze

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