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Author: Paweł Skóra Published at: 02.02.2024 Last update: 02.02.2024

Zaproszenie na wykład dotyczący MXenes (5 lutego 2024)

Szanowni Państwo,
serdecznie zapraszam na wykład dotyczący MXenes, pt.: 
"Towards multifunctionalization of surfaces:
Introducing different surface modification techniques to enhance antimicrobial, osteoconductive and hemocompatible properties"
Wykład odbędzie się za pośrednictwem platformy zoom,
5 lutego 2024, godzina 09:00
Identyfikator spotkania: 939 7135 3124
Kod dostępu: 134843
Prof. Karolina Schickle is an expert in surface modification techniques for controlling and influencing interfacial reactions with surrounding cells and proteins. She has developed a novel concept to functionalize and biologize inert ceramic materials with a multilayer system on a nano-scale. This innovative process has demonstrated, for the first time, the ability to functionalize inert ceramic materials in a hydrolytically stable manner, even in body fluids or harsh in vivo environments. This pioneering method was also utilized to immobilize 2D materials such as graphene oxide or MXene onto ceramic or metal surfaces to enhance surface activation. It was shown that this method is not only simple to execute and effective but also transferable to other substrates.
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