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The Structural Projects Office (CZP2) is an administrative unit within Projects Management Centre. The office assists academic staff in raising funds for scientific research from Structural Funds, “Applied Research” and “Fundamental Reasearch” Programmes implemented under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 as well as supports project managers at all stages of project development (except POWER Programme).

Main duties:

  • providing information and consultancy for the Silesian University of Technology employees about the possibilities of receiving Structural Funds for research, education and investment projects, assistance in proposal writing,
  • assistance in budget construction,
  • support during consortium agreement and contract preparation and signing,
  • verifying proposals and giving opinion on project managers’ application for letters of authority,
  • filling in check lists for proposals and contracts,
  • keeping records of co-financing projects and contracts,
  • monitoring proposals scores,
  • project management consultancy for Silesian University of Technology projects managers,
  • reporting about projects co-financed by the Structural Funds at the Silesian University of Technology.

Contact us:

Politechnika Śląska, Biuro Obsługi Projektów Strukturalnych ul. Banacha 10, pokoje 1.1 i 1.2 44-100 Gliwice tel. 32 237 26 70 fax 32 237 14 03


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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie