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The information plate I need does not match any of the templates presented. What should I do?

The Visual Identity System of the Silesian University of Technology allows the use of other sizes of plates than those proposed in the templates. In order to produce a plaque in a given size, please contact the Silesian University of Technology Publishing House. In order to ensure efficient implementation, please prepare in advance all data related to the list of names on the plaque, the name of the unit and the positions.

Until now we have had an information plate only in Polish. SIW PŚ introduces an English translation. Is its use necessary?

A growing number of foreigners study and work at the Silesian University of Technology. Therefore, we aim to introduce bilingual signage for the university. Translation of the information sign into English is therefore obligatory. If you have any doubts as to the correct translation of your unit or job title, please send an email to: siw@polsl.pl. Please write translation in the subject line and the name of the unit and the position to be translated into English in the body of the email.

Is it possible to change the font and font size in the proposed Power Point presentation template?

According to the Visual Identity System, the size and type of font in the presentation can be changed. The pictures themselves as well as their layout can also be modified. One element that cannot be modified is the presentation footer.

I cannot cope with changing the sample content as proposed in the presentation template in the footer.

The text displayed in the bottom right corner of the footer is the title of the presentation also saved in the first title slide. To modify it, open the View tab in Power Point, then Slide Template and make the appropriate change in the first title slide.

In the Visual Identity Book I found information about a downloadable diploma template. Unfortunately, it is not on the website. Why not?

The book contains information on sets of templates that were provided by the contractor for the needs of the Silesian University of Technology. Not all of them are available to the public, mainly due to the fact that they are saved in formats that require specialised software to be opened correctly. If you need to order diplomas, please contact the Promotion Office.

How do I install an email footer in the Outlook Web App (https://poczta.polsl.pl)?

The answer is available here.

The placards contain the names of the organisational units and posts in English. Where can I download a proper translation from?

Most of the names of the organizational units have been translated into English in Circular Letter No. 5/2018. If there is no translation or if you have any doubts about the proposed content of a unit name or job title, please send an email to siw@polsl.pl.
Please write in the subject line: translation, in the body of the message the name of the unit and the position to be translated into English. Below you will find a list of the main positions held by Silesian University of Technology employees.

Adiunkt – Assistant Professor
Profesor – Professor
Profesor nadzwyczajny: Associate Professor
Wykładowca – Lecturer
Starszy wykładowca – Senior Lecturer
Kierownik Zakładu – Head of Division
Kierownik Katedry – Head of Department
Specjalista administracyjny – Administrative specialist
Referent administracyjny – Administrative officer
Samodzielny referent administracyjny – Independent administrative officer
Pracownik gospodarczy – Maintenance employee
Kierownik – Head
Zastępca kierownika – Deputy Head
Sekretariat – Secretariat
Technik – Technician
Starszy specjalista naukowo-techniczny - Senior scientific technical specialist
Specjalista ekonomiczny – Economic Specialist

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