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Current COVID-19 risk level

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Current COVID-19 risk level at the Silesian University of Technology:


Number of units and facilities with a higher risk level:


Current COVID-19 risk level in the "Didactics" area:


Photo gallery

27th Science Picnic of the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center

Summary of 7 years activity

End of the academic year of tej Juniora and Senior University of Technology 2024

Workshops for Educons University: Scientific communication and media cooperation for scientists

Vanishing walls – limestone

Science communication workshops as part of the SUBLime project

Popularization and communication of science in Poland – workshops

Run for knowledge with RUN PAN

Science and journalism speed dating 2023

Final of the Silesian edition of the Three Minute Thesis 2023 competition

Three Minute Thesis - eliminations 2023

Researchers' Night of the Silesian University of Technology 2023

Voiceover workshops

End of the academic year Junior and Senior University of Technology

Realizatorzy aktywności z Politechniki Śląskiej na Pikniku Naukowym w Warszawie

26th Science Picnic of the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center

Workshops for students – RE-EURECA-PRO

Results of the competition "O nauce po ludzku"

Na zdjęciu widać uczestniczki warsztatów oglądające uczestniczkę ćwiczącą wystąpienie przed mikrofonem.

Voiceover workshops

Junior and Senior University of Technology at November

Three Minute Thesis - final 2022

Meeting of scientists with the media "Rzecznicy Nauki w Terenie"

Three Minute Thesis - eliminations 2022

"Ars Mollis" training

Researchers' Night of the Silesian University of Technology

A press conferencje of the Researchers' Noght of the SUT

5th birthday of the Science Popularisation Centre

Na zdjęciu od lewej dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, prof. PŚ, pani MArta Sanigórska, pan Andrzej Jałowiecki, Prorektor dr hab. inż. Tomasz Trawiński, prof. PŚ

5th edition of the competition for a popular science article

January lectures and workshops of the Junior and Senior University of Technology

Grupa biegaczy przed rektoratem, w tle plac Krakowski oraz pylon Politechniki

The first meeting of the running and walking group of the Silesian University of Technology & Friends

Scientific St. Nicholas' Day

Zdjęcie przedstawia doktoranta trzymającego tabliczkę z napisem FINALISTA

Final of the Silesian Edition of the Three Minute Thesis® Competition

Na zdjęciu widać uczestnika konkursu Three Minute Thesis stojącego na tle rollupów sponsorów i organizatorów

Qualifications of the Silesian Edition of the Three Minute Thesis® 2021 Competition

SUT Scientific Night 2021

Na zdjęciu widać grupę uczniów, którzy trzymająspecjalnie wykonane kartony. Przed nimi znajdują się ustawione w piramidki kubki na dwóch stołach.

Workshops for students as part of EURECA-PRO Week


Workshops for Educons University: Scientific communication and media cooperation for scientists

Popularization and communication of science in Poland – workshops

Three Minute Thesis 2023

Researchers' Night of the Silesian University of Technology 2023

Junior and Seniora University of Technology

How to popularize science? Debate on the popularization of science and scientific communication

XVII Researchers' Night of the Silesian University of Technology

Three Minute Thesis 2022

XVI Researchers Night of the Silesian University of Technology

The sonorous world

The vehicles of the future

Paper rocket

1st place in the 3MT 2019 competition. Monika Zaufal, Silesian University of Technology

2nd place in the 3MT 2019 competition. Jakub Sobieraj, Silesian University of Technology

3rd place in the 3MT 2019 competition. Karolina Bakalorz, Silesian University of Technology

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Data availability statement

„E-Politechnika Śląska - utworzenie platformy elektronicznych usług publicznych Politechniki Śląskiej”

Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie