In compliance with the University authorities decision, all full-time and part-time first degree students (1st cycle of study) are obliged to take a foreign language exam with the minimum requirement of B2 level. Students are also required to obtain credits from all 4 language course semesters to be allowed to take an exam.
The level of exam is in compliance with the B2/C1 exams recognized by the European Union and satisfies the criteria laid down by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The student is obliged to attend 120 hours of English language classes at the first cycle of study, but has the right to take a B2/C1 exam in a language other than English (he must inform his teacher about this decision at the beginning of the course).
Student’s performance in the final exam is assessed on the following basis:
- Organization of the presentation and level of difficulty
- Linguistic diversity, formal presentation style
- Communication skills and fluency
- Variety and correctness of grammatical structures
The oral exam is documented in a special protocol including presentation topic, a written summary of the presentation, questions, the avarage grade from all four semesters and the number of points obtained by student
All components of the exam are compliant with the expected learning outcomes and the methods of assessment, which can be found in the appropriate course description for each language course and each level.
The students have passed an exam providing that they have achieved the score of more than 50% from all parts of the exam, in compliance with the regulation that the student has to achieve all expected learning outcomes to get a credit.
Exams are graded according to the following scale:
- Over 50% of the maximum number of points – (3.0) – satisfactory
- Over 60% of the maximum number of points – (3.5) – satisfactory plus
- Over 70% of the maximum number of points – (4.0) – good
- Over 80% of the maximum number of points – (4.5) – good plus
- Over 90% of the maximum number of points – (5.0) – very good
The student is eligible for an exemption from the exam, if they have an average grade of at least 4.5, calculated on the basis of a final grade from each semester, providing that no lower final grade than 4 (good) has ever been earned by the student.