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Author: Aleksandra Lipczyńska Published at: 31.08.2022 Last update: 31.08.2022

POBE Seminar: REPowerEU

We cordially invite you to the POBE online seminar entitled: REPowerEU - the answer to how to prepare for the energy crisis in buildings? POBE Guide.
Dates: September 20, 2022 10.00-13.00 Online event.
The seminar will be held online using the ClickMeeting platform.
Free participation. Registration required.

10:00 Welcome and admission - Paweł Lachman - POBE coordinator | POBE, PORT PC
The premiere of the POBE Guide entitled REPowerEU - Accelerating the Energy Transformation of Buildings as the EU's Response to Russia's War in Ukraine
10:05 REPowerEU and energy efficiency in buildings - Izabela Zygmunt - Expert for the European Semester and the European Green Deal | the European Commission
10:30 REPowerEU - POBE guide and review of activities in selected European countries - Paweł Wróbel - expert on EU regulations at POBE | POBE
10:55 ZEB zero-emission buildings and taxonomy in existing buildings - Paweł Lachman - POBE coordinator | POBE, PORT PC
11:20 A typical meteorological year in 2021-2020 and the effects of its changes - dr inż. Piotr Narowski - Faculty of Building Installations, Hydrotechnics and Environmental Engineering | Warsaw University of Technology
11.40 Break (10 minutes)
11.50 Debate

- Izabela Zygmunt | the European Commission
- Representative | Ministry of Development and Technology
- Paweł Lachman | Industry Agreement for Energy Efficiency (POBE), Polish Organization for the Development of Heat Pump Technology (PORT PC)
- Paweł Wróbel | Industry Agreement for Energy Efficiency POBE (POBE)
Conducted by - Grzegorz Burek | GLOBENERGY

Topics covered:
- European countries' response to REPowerEU, an overview of planned and undertaken activities
- short-term availability and prices of raw materials and electricity
- what is the problem of obtaining funds for the upcoming changes (thermomodernization, decarbonization, departure from classic energy resources)
- presentation of changes in the taxonomy of sustainable finance in buildings - how will they affect investment support programs in new and existing buildings?
- how a typical meteorological year 2001-2020 has changed in 50 years.
- accelerating or slowing down the transformation in the face of crisis - is there an alternative to REPowerEU?
12.30 Questions and answers from the seminar participants, summary
13.00 End of the seminar

Topics of the meeting:
Accelerating the energy transformation of buildings is one of the pillars of the EU plan to reduce dependence on fossil fuels from Russia. At the center of the "REPowerEU" package announced in May this year. there are measures in the field of energy efficiency and decarbonization. Together with the currently negotiated legislative package "Fit for 55" of 2021, they set the direction of the necessary actions to strengthen energy security.

During the seminar, we will present a guide in which we present details of EU actions and recommendations for member states to prepare for the energy crisis effectively. Especially in the face of the upcoming winter season, it will be important to summarize and evaluate the activities carried out by selected countries. A set of good practices from the EU should guide Polish administration, local governments, industry and individual citizens.

In the debate with the participation of representatives of the European Commission, the Ministry of Development and Technology and the Industry Agreement for Energy Efficiency POBE, we will discuss the state of Poland's preparation for the energy crisis, possible scenarios, we will indicate the opportunities and threats for building users and the industry, we will address the issue of financing the transformation buildings in Poland - including the latest changes in the taxonomy of sustainable financing for buildings, and we will show how other European Union countries approach accelerating the energy transformation as a result of Russia's war in Ukraine.

Registration for the seminar:
To register for the meeting, please complete the application form available at: https://globenergia.clickmeeting.com/seminarium-pobe-repowereu-odpowiedzia-jak-przygotowac-sie-na-kryzys-energetyczny-budynkow-/register
People who fill in the application form will be sent a link to the provided e-mail address for the meeting to the ClickMeeting application before the meeting.

Event website: https://pobe.pl/seminarium-repowereu-2/

Organizational contact:
Industry Agreement for Energy Efficiency, Office: ul. Cechowa 51/48, 30-614 Kraków, phone: +48 664 979 912, e-mail: pobe@pobe.pl.


Source: portpc.pl


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