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Opening hours

Due to the ongoing renovation the main entrance to the library will remain closed. To enter the library's building, please use the second entrance situated in the building of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. You will find the second entrance to the library on the 3rd floor.

The Ośrodek Informacji Patentowej i Normalizacyjnej has been moved to the 3rd floor to room 301 - the use of resources is possible after prior appointment by phone or e-mail (tel. 32 237 28 95, e-mail: bg.normy@polsl.pl).

The lending room has been moved to the third floor, room 318. To manage your library account — including paying fees and obtaining the account certificate — contact us by

e-mail: bg.wypozycz@polsl.pl or by phone 32 237 16 70.

For readers enrolled in the Gliwice Lending Library, it is now possible to order books (up to 5 copies marked in the catalogue as Mg, FR) only by e-mail: biblio.wypozycz@polsl.pl.

After receiving feedback from the Library, books can be collected in room 318.

Online ordering (through the INTEGRO catalogue) only applies to books from the Katowice branch.

We recommend signing up online. Please email the Lending Library (biblio.wypozycz@polsl.pl) to request activation of your account. Once you have received your activation confirmation email, you can order online.

We invite you to use digital sources. The university staff and students can access databases, magazines and books through the HAN Remote Access Information system. You can access digital sources using your personal devices.

Let's stay in touch! Please note that you can always reach us by e-mail and telephone. You will find all the necessary contact details on our website.



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