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Author: Aleksandra Lipczyńska Published at: 22.09.2020 Last update: 04.04.2023

Zmarł prof. Stanisław Mierzwiński

On April 21, at the age of 94, died prof. Stanisław Mierzwiński, PhD - an outstanding scientist, founder of the Polish school of aerodynamics applications in ventilation and dust removal technology. The funeral Mass will be held on Wednesday, April 25, at 7.30 in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Gliwice. Funeral ceremonies will be held at 1 p.m. at the Central Cemetery in Gliwice.

The professor was born on November 27, 1924 in Tłumacz near Stanisławów. The post-war fate threw him and his family to Krakow. He belonged to the group of the first students of the Silesian University of Technology who began their studies in 1945 in Krakow. After transferring the University to Silesia, he continued his studies in Gliwice at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specializing in energy and movement. In 1950 he obtained a master's degree in mechanical engineering. While still a student, in 1949 he started working at the Department of Sanitary Technology of the Silesian University of Technology. He was associated with the Faculty of Sanitary Engineering and then the Faculty of Environmental Engineering since its inception in 1955. In 1963 he defended his doctorate and in 1969 he obtained a postdoctoral degree in heating and ventilation. In 1978 he was awarded the title of associate professor, and in 1991 he became a full professor.

In the years 1973-1981 he was the head of the Department of Heating, Ventilation and Atmosphere Protection, and then in 1981 he was appointed director of the Institute of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection, which he held until 1994. In 1995 he reached retirement age, but for many years he remained an active researcher at the Department of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology at the Faculty of Environmental and Power Engineering.

Prof. Stanisław Mieździeński represented the Silesian University of Technology in many commissions and scientific committees. Among others, he was a member of the Central Commission for Scientific Titles and Degrees at the Presidium of the Council of Ministers (1994-1997), a member of the Presidium of the Civil Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and chairman of the Heating and Ventilation Section, chairman of KBN sections T07G and T09 (1991-2001). Prof. dr hab. Eng. Stanisław Mieśmieński was the representative of Poland in the Executive Committee of the Program "Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems" of the International Energy Agency in Paris. He collaborated with numerous foreign research centers, incl. in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany.

Among his scientific activities, the use of physical modeling of aerodynamic processes in ventilation and dust removal technology deserves special attention. In order to improve the methodology of model studies, the team led by the professor developed measurement and research methods using thermoanemometry and laser anemometry.

During his scientific activity, he was the manager of several large research projects (also after retirement), the author of 120 scientific publications, including 3 books on aerodynamics of ventilation and dust removal. He promoted 9 doctors, including two of his later successors as the head of the Department of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology.

Professor Stanisław Mieśmieński was a valued and recognized authority in his field. For his contribution to Polish science, in 2004 he was awarded the title of an honorary professor of the Silesian University of Technology.


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