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dr hab. Eng. Jarosław Joostberens, prof. PŚ, Deputy Head of the Department

Position: Professor

Function: Deputy Head of the Department

Area of ​​scientific interest: Automation of processing such as flotation, coal enrichment in a jig, control and power supply of machines and mining equipment drives, digital signal processing, identification, modeling and automatic control of industrial processes.

Organizational activity: member of the International Federation of Automatic Control, TC-6.2 Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (since 2014), Polish Association for Measurements, Automatics and Robotics ‘POLSPAR’, member of the Audit Committee of the Circle No. 10 of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers at the Silesian University of Technology, secretary of the SEP Central College of the Section of Electrical Engineering and Mining Automation, member of the Polish Association of Mining Engineers and Technicians (SITG), member of the Polish Society of Mining Processing, member of the Mining Processing Section of KG PAN, member of the Mechatronics and Power Engineering Section in the Mining Industry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Department of Education Quality Assurance System (from its establishment in 2012 to 2017), member of the Council of the Faculty of Mining and Geology (from 2016), member of the Categorization Team of the GG Faculty (from 26.10.2016).

Awards and distinctions: - Bronze Cross of Merit, awards of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology for scientific (2) and organizational activities, winner of the 3rd degree team award for the study entitled: Visualization method supporting the assessment of the technical condition and safety of shaft lining with the use of digital image analysis "in the National Competition Improvement of Working Conditions in the category of scientific and research works.

Non-professional interests: Sport - twice, in 2008 and 2009, a silver medal in the Silesian Academic Championships in Judo in the weight category up to 60 kg.

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