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dr Eng. Artur Dylong

Position: Assistant Professor

Area of ​​scientific interest: gasometric systems in mining, gas measurement methods, the use of methane measurement in the protection of mining excavations, practical use of forecasting methods, IoT - the Internet of Things, telecommunications systems, wired and wireless transmission in industry, functional safety.

Organizational activity: Network administrator of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation

Awards and distinctions: Silver medal won at the 55th World Exhibition of Innovation, Scientific Research and Modern Technology BRUSSELS EUREKA 2006 for "Environmental parameter monitoring system in the SMP-NT / A mine". Team award. Silver medal at the 105th International Exhibition of Inventions "CONCOURS-LEPINE" for "Environmental monitoring system in the SMP-NT / A mine". Team award

Non-professional interests: history, new technologies, history of technology, science fiction.

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