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Author: Paweł Skóra Published at: 21.09.2022 Last update: 21.09.2022

IEEE NAP 2022 Conference co-organized by Electrochemistry Group of Faculty of Chemistry

Over a year of preparations to make the 6 days of the conference the best possible experience.
On 11-16.09.2022 we had the pleasure to co-organize the IEEE Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties 2022 conference in Krakow with Sumy State University and IEEE Nano. This was a hybrid event (on-line + on-site). Over 100 oral presentations were delivered at a total of 41 thematic sessions related to nanotechnology in various fields of science. Over 175 posters were presented (including 73 on-line). We hosted world-class researchers such as Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Prof. Sandro Carrara, Prof. Laura H. Greene and Prof. Nicola Pinna.
Prof. Wojciech Simka was the general co-chair of the conference and chair of the local organizing committee, making our Group an integral part of IEEE NAP 2022.
The conference did not pass without some successes as well. Two of our junior electrochemists received the "Rising star in nanoscience and nanotechnology" awards for their presentations. Marta Wala for the best presentation during the Electrochemistry for Nanomaterials session and Weronika Maciak for the best on-site poster.
Congratulations! In addition, we would like to thank all participants for their participation and invite you to the next IEEE NAP next year, this time in Slovakia!


Author: Dr. Eng. Maciej Sowa


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