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World Corrosion Awareness Day - 24.04.2024

"As iron rusts when not used, and water gets foul from standing or turns to ice when exposed to cold,
so the intellect degenerates without exercise"

Leonardo da Vinci

On April 24, Corrosion Awareness Day is celebrated around the world. The day was established in 2010 by the World Corrosion Organization (WCO) to draw attention to the threats and problems resulting from corrosion of materials and the enormous losses associated with this phenomenon. In 2023, the Corrosion Testing Laboratory of the Silesian University of Technology joined the celebration on this special occasion by organizing the CorrDay event.
We encourage everyone to celebrate with us and take part in our corrosion-related competitions.


Event Ceremony 24.04.2024


Sponsors and Partners


Corrosion Live Stream


Photo competition - International - CLOSED


The cat name competition - Polish only - CLOSED


Art competition for classes - Polish only - CLOSED

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Fundusze Europejskie
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