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Materials engineering has been present in the Faculty of Materials Engineering practically since its establishment. In 1969, the Department of Materials Science and Technology was established, which was next transformed into the Institute of Materials Engineering in 1971. One of the founders of the Institute and its first Director was Prof. Adam Gierek. His successor was Prof. Adolf Maciejny. This was a period of pioneering activities aimed at promoting materials engineering in Poland. The interdisciplinary nature of materials engineering led to the formation of specialised research teams within the aforementioned units, gathering scientists of the same or related specialities. The head of one of those teams was Prof. Adolf Maciejny, who brought together specialists in the broad field of materials science. During the reorganisation of the Faculty of Metallurgy in 1991, this group naturally became the nucleus of the Department of Materials Science – one of the departments spun off from the Institute of Materials Engineering. The Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies at the Faculty of Materials Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology was established on 1 November 2019, on the basis of the Institute of Materials Engineering. On 1 July 2021, the Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies changed its name to the Department of Material Technologies.

From 1 September 1997 to 31 August 2009, Prof. Marek Hetmańczyk, an alumnus of Prof. Adolf Maciejny and, at the same time, one of his closest associates, was Head of the Department. As of 1 September 2009, his duties were taken over by Assoc. Prof. Grzegorz Niewielski, initially as Head of the Department and later, following the transformation of the Department into the Institute of Materials Science, as its Director. He performed these functions until 31 August 2017. On that day, the Institute returned to its previous name: the Institute of Materials Engineering.  On 1 September 2017, Assoc. Prof. Dariusz Kuc became Director of the Institute. On 1 November 2019, the Institute of Materials Engineering was transformed into the Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies. On 1 July 2021, the Department changed its name to the Department of Material Technologies, with Assoc. Prof Bogusław Mendala as its Head until 9 March 2023. From 1 March 2023 to 30 September 2024, Prof. Kinga Rodak was Acting Head of the Department.

Since 1 October 2024, Assoc. Prof. Mateusz Kozioł has been serving as the Head of the Department.

The milestones


Founding of the Faculty of Metallurgy

The Faculty comprises three Departments:

  • Processing Metallurgy
  • Materials Science and Materials Technologies
  • Steels, Alloys and Plastic Working


Founding of the Institute of Materials Engineering

The Institute was founded through joining the Department of Materials Science and Technologies with part of the Department of Steels, Alloys and Plastic Working. Prof. DSc. Eng. Adam Gierek was appointed as its Director. The Institutes structure consisted of four scientific-didactic units:

  • Materials Science and Physical Metallurgy, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adolf Maciejny
  • Material Strength and Mechanics, headed by Prof. Dr. Eng. Tadeusz Lamber
  • Plastic Working, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Leszek Godecki
  • Materials Technologies, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adam Gierek


Founding of the Environmental Laboratory of Materials Engineering

The laboratory was supervised by Dr. Eng. Henryk Woźnica


The following laboratories were organised in the Institute of Materials Engineering:

  • Special Alloys and Powder Metallurgy, headed by Dr. Eng. Jerzy Gierek
  • Casting and Powder Metallurgy, headed by Dr. Eng. Lech Bajka
  • Ceramic Materials and Composites, headed by Dr. Eng. Janusz Gajda
  • Heat and Heat-chemical treatment, headed by Dr. Eng. Henryk Woźnica
  • Rolling and Plastic Working Fundamentals, headed by Dr. Eng. Andrzej Sobański
  • Forging, Drawing and Stamping, headed by Dr. Eng. Franciszek Grosman
  • Metallography, headed by Dr. Eng. Marek Hetmańczyk
  • Structural Investigatios, headed by Dr. Eng. Barbara Rauszer
  • Physical-chemical Investigations, headed by MSc Michał Żelechower
  • Mechanical Testing, headed by MSc. Eng. Wiesław Chladek


Closure of the Environmental Laboratory of Materials Engineering


Transition of  the Institute of  Materials Engineering to the University-Industry Centre


Prof. DSc.Eng. Adolf Maciejny was appointed as Director of the Institute of Materials Engineering

The hitherto existing laboratories were replaced by the following units:

  • Materials Science, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adolf Maciejny
  • Mechanics of Materials, headed by Prof. Dr. Eng. Tadeusz Lamber
  • Plastic Working, headed by DSc. Eng. Franciszek Grosman
  • Casting, headed by DSc. Eng. Eugeniusz Krzemień
  • Special Alloys and Protective Layers, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adam Gierek
  • Ceramics, headed by Prof. Dr. Eng. Stanisław Pawłowski
  • Composites and Plastics, headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Izabella Hyla


Closure of the University-Industry Centre

The Institute of Materials Engineering again obtained status of the inner science-didactic unit of the Faculty of Metallurgy


The Faculty of Metallurgy renames to the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering


Reorganisation of the Faculty – founding of the Materials Science Department

Based on the previous structure of the Institute the following units were organised:

  • Mechanics and Plastic Working Technology, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Franciszek Grosman
  • Metal Alloys Technology, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adam Gierek
  • Composite Materials, headed by DSc. Eng. Izabella Hyla
  • Materials Science, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adolf Maciejny


The Faculty renames to the Faculty of  Materials  Engineering, Metallurgy, Transport and Management


The Faculty renames to the Faculty of  Materials  Engineering, Metallurgy and Transport


Prof. DSc. Eng. Marek Hetmańczyk  was appointed as a Head  of the Materials Science Department

The Department consists of four units:

  • Ceramics Materials, supervised by Assoc. DSc. Eng. Stanisław Serkowski
  • Quality Engineering, supervised by Prof. DSc. Eng. Adam Hernas
  • Heat and Surface Treatment, supervised by Prof. DSc. Eng. Marek Hetmańczyk
  • Stereology and Modelling, supervised by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Jan Cwajna


The Faculty renames to the Faculty of  Materials  Engineering and  Metallurgy 


Changes of the Department’s organizing structure

The hitherto existing units of Heat and Surface Treatment, Quality Engineering, Stereology and Modelling were replaced by divisions of:

  • Metallic Materials, headed by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Grzegorz Niewielski
  • Material Investigations, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Jan Cwajna


The Materials Science Department transforms into the Institute of Materials Science

Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Grzegorz Niewielski  was appointed as a Director of the Institute. It comprises four units:

  • Ceramics and Composites, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Małgorzata Sopicka-Lizer
  • Heat and Surface Treatment, headed by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Lucjan Swadźba
  • Materialography, headed by Prof. DSc. Eng. Jan Cwajna
  • Engineering Materials, headed by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Andrzej Kiełbus


The Institute of Materials Science transform into the Institute of Materials Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Dariusz Kuc was appointed as a Director of the Institute. The following three units operated within its structure:

  • Ceramics, Composites and Casting Technology, headed by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Grzegorz Moskal
  • Surface Engineering and Plastic Working, headed by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Bogusław Mendala
  • Investigations and Mechanics of Materials, headed by Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Andrzej Kiełbus


The Faculty renames to the Faculty of  Materials  Engineering



The Institute of Materials Engineering transforms into the Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies

Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Bogusław Mendala was appointed as a Head of the Department


The Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies renames to Department of Materials Technology

Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Bogusław Mendala was head of the Department till 9 March 2023

Prof. DSc. Eng. Kinga Rodak was the Acting Head till 30 Sept 2024

Since 1 October 2024 Assoc. Prof. DSc. Eng. Mateusz Kozioł is Head of the Department

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