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Areas of responsibility of the Studies Service Centre:
organization and coordination of the course of the first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies, long-cycle studies and PhD studies, including keeping an album of students and PhD students in PhD studies,
supervising the studies recruitment system used at the University and
the studies course management system as well as cooperation with their users,cooperation with recruitment technical teams and the central recruitment committee conducting the admission process,
recruiting foreigners for the full cycle of the first-cycle studies,
second-cycle studies, long-cycle studies and to the Joint Doctoral school,keeping the book of diplomas and submitting the graduation diplomas to the Rector's signature,
managing strict record forms,
preparing reports in the field of studies and related statistics,
supervision over students service offices,
cooperation with other organizational units and the rector's attorneys for education,
preparation of documentation as part of appeals, applications for reconsideration of the case, student complaints and PhD students in PhD studies and applications for reduction or exemption from fees for provided educational services,
supervision over the proper organization of student apprenticeships, cooperation with university education units and the commission
for internships and research camps in the field of domestic and foreign student apprenticeships,- coordination of the process of awarding and payment of benefits for students and PhD students at PhD studies and coordination of scholarship activities at PhD studies,
coordination of the application process for granting students’ scholarship of the Minister of science and higher education,
cooperation with disciplinary spokespersons for students and PhD students as well as administrative services for disciplinary committees for students and PhD students,
cooperation with the student community and with the PhD community in the field of PhD studies, the students council and its agencies, organizations, including student research clubs,
cooperation with the Administration of the Student Housing Estate
in the field of proper use of places in student houses and matters related to the accommodation of foreigners,support for foreigners admitted to studies until they start their studies (including providing transport from the airport, organization
of Orientation Days or assistance in matters related to the legalization
of stay),cooperation with health care institutions and with the Voivodeship Centre of Occupational Medicine in the field of healthcare for students and PhD students in PhD studies,
coordination of matters related to the implementation of postgraduate studies, training courses, and other forms of education conducted by the University,
coordination of the process related to planning and accounting for the teaching loads of academic staff as well as planning and accounting for the teaching hours of other persons conducting classes,
collective and individual planning and settlement of overtime work performed by academic staff,
preparation and analysis of reports in the field of planning and accounting for the completion of teaching hours at the University
analysis and data compilation on the quality of education based on the results of surveys and other materials,
cooperation with the University Council for the Education Quality Assurance System in the field of improving the University Education Quality Assurance System,
handling the affairs of disabled students and PhD students as part of the activities of the Office for People with Disabilities:
coordinating and performing activities aimed at creating conditions for full participation in the process of educating people with disabilities and undertaking initiatives aimed at integrating students and PhD students with disabilities,
- undertaking activities aimed at ensuring access to didactic classes for students and PhD students with disabilities,
ongoing service for candidates, students and PhD students with disabilities, collecting and verifying documentation on scholarships for people with disabilities as well as analysing and preparing reports on the activities of the Office for people with disabilities (BON) for the University authorities,
creating positive attitudes towards people with disabilities,
- sharing personal data in accordance with the security policy at the Silesian University of Technology,
supervising the organization and course of the Competition "For the golden index of the Silesian University of Technology",
coordination of activities carried out under the "Spread your wings" mentoring program.