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Rules for the organisation of classes at the Faculty of Chemistry in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021

  1. Lectures and seminars will be conducted only remotely, using distance learning methods and techniques.
  2. Classes (exercises) will be conducted remotely for all students, except for students of the first semester, for whom selected exercises will be conducted in a contact form.
  3. Design classes and computer laboratories will be conducted remotely.
  4. Laboratory classes (other than computer laboratories) will be conducted in a contact form.

Contact and remote classes will be conducted on different days of the week (the number of contact days will depend on the number of contact classes and will be from 1 to 3 days). If the number of contact classes is less than 20%, the student will have one contact day, if the contact classes is between 20-40% of all classes, the students will have 2 contact days a week, and if this number exceeds 40%, there will be 3 or more contact days.

Classes in the remote mode will be conducted using: the Remote Education Platform and Microsoft Teams and Zoom communicators.

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