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Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 16.10.2024
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The 11th edition of the programme for the employment of outstanding scientists is launched

The next edition of the programme for the employment of outstanding prominent researchers and outstanding young scientists at the SUT has been launched. The call for applications is open until  November 13, 2024.

As part of the implementation of the Excellence Initiative - Research University (IDUB), Silesian University of Technology continues to strengthen its scientific staff by recruiting outstanding experienced and young scientists from Poland and abroad, who are able to form and lead research teams, apply for funding for research projects throughout the year, including in the Horizon programme, and publish in prestigious journals.

Updated competition announcements in Polish and English have been published on the University's website, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and in the international portal for mobile researchers EURAXESS.

Detailed information on the requirements and conditions of employment developed in Polish and English can be found in the following links:

IDUB announcement for the position of University Professor

IDUB announcement for the position of Assistant Professor

In order to promote the attached announcements, we once again encourage the employees of the Silesian University of Technology to make them available to the scientists they know who meet the criteria set out in them. These criteria are demanding, but the opportunities offered by the SUT are significant and competitive compared to leading foreign universities.

Potential candidates should first of all be attracted by the package of pro-quality programs, of which they will be able to be beneficiaries, especially if during their work at the SUT they demonstrate achievements comparable to those required in the competition criteria.

The Competition documents can be submitted until 13 November 2024 via the electronic recruitment system, the link to which is included in the given announcement.


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