Zdjęcie studentów na terenie kampusu
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 20.10.2021

Financial support for students - information materials of MEiN (Ministry of Education and Science)

The Ministry of Education and Science has prepared a brochure on financial support for students. The material contains the most important information on the types and principles of such support.

In the MEiN materials students will find information on the possibility of applying for financial support during their studies in the non-repayable benefits, in the form of scholarships and aid payments financed from the state budget and student loans with interest subsidies. The brochure is particularly useful for students who start their studies at the University.

For more information go to Financial support for students - MEiN information materials - Ministry of Education and Science - Gov.pl Portal (www.gov.pl)

Broszura MEiN Broszura informacyjna dla studentów Download

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