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EU Career Ambassadors
Are you interested in a career in EU institutions, looking for internships and employment opportunities? Apply to EU Careers, an organization operating at our University.
At the Silesian University of Technology, students - Weronika Franczak and Wiktoria Kapusta became the Ambassadors of Careers to the European Union for the academic year 2024/2025. They are both students of the Faculty of Organization and Management at the Silesian University of Technology. Their task is to support students of our University in discovering career paths in the institutions of the European Union.
“We have become representatives of EU Careers Ambassadors, a program that annually enlists career ambassadors in the European Union at universities. Our task is to promote work and internships in EU structures - says Weronika Franczak.
- Employment in EU organizations can be found by a student of almost any field, everyone will find something for themselves. There are a lot of offers. The Union employs translators, lawyers for the proper handling of laws, IT specialists for dealing with infrastructure, specialists in medicine or chemists - adds Wiktoria Kapusta.
People interested in an EU career can contact ambassadors who will inform those interested:
- How to start their career in the EU
- How to apply for internships
- How to write a CV on Europass
- What the recruitment process is like
- What is EPSO testing
- Where to find information about new calls and competitions
More information.: (1) Facebook and Homepage | EU Careers.