Głosowanie 770
Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 07.06.2021

Elections to the University Council of Doctoral Student Self-Government (URSD)

Elections to the University Council of Doctoral Student Self-Government will be held on 14 and 15 June. Nomination forms should be sent by 7 June 2021.

Doctoral students who are interested in running for the University Council of Doctoral Student Self-Government are kindly requested to send a scan of a signed application form to the following email address: amadeus.jagiela-zajac@polsl.pl by 7 June 2021. The form is available in the "Elections" tab on the URSD website www.doktoranci.polsl.pl  

On 7 June the lists with candidates will be forwarded to the Chairmen of the Election Committees at the faculties of the Silesian University of Technology for publication. Representatives of doctoral students will receive ballots and instruction for conducting the elections.

The elections to the University Council of Doctoral Student Self-Government for the representatives to the Faculty Councils will be held on 14 and 15 June. The exact time will be provided by representatives of doctoral students at the faculties.

The results will be announced on 15 June. The deadline for submitting protests and validation of the elections are scheduled for 22

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